February 13, 2024
6:00PM - 7:30PM
Industrial Strength Marketing (1401 5th Ave N.)
Update from Officer Commander Anthony McClain and Officer Isaac Wood
Quarterly comparison:
6:00PM - 7:30PM
Industrial Strength Marketing (1401 5th Ave N.)
Update from Officer Commander Anthony McClain and Officer Isaac Wood
Quarterly comparison:
- Comparison timeframe was July – Sept vs. Oct – Dec 13
- Motor vehicle thefts went down by 3 and guns stolen from vehicles were down 50%
- Community field intelligence teams are on modified shift just to address warrant service attempts following vehicles
- Beginning February 1 there has been an uptick in patrols from 10 am – 6:30 pm, 2:30 pm – 11 pm, 5:00 pm – 2 am. Response teams are overlapping as well as under cover surveillance teams
- Criminals are targeting cars with very dart tinted windows because breaking these windows do not make much noise.
- They break the windows and crawl into the cars and trucks
- Patrolling officers are out here every night
- Patrolling officers went through the streets looking for areas were lighting isn’t sufficient and reporting it to NES plus NES is upgrading to LED lighting because it is brighter
- Recent situation on the Greenway & 3rd avenue is actually considered central precinct
- Displaced citizens coming through the area, be aware of your surroundings
- Christopher Chapman 43 years old was arrested for the Greenway & 3rd Ave. attack
- Do not leave valuables in plain sight; hide guns in the trunk under the spare tire when possible. Do not the leave guns in glove box or in the console
- KIA vehicles need to get the software update that is available
- Hitting clusters of cars at one time is a pattern; one person is driving with 3 or 4 walking down the road and often hitting apartment parking garages
- Community member – waited on hold with 911 for 15 minutes
- They are saying the delay is due to personnel shortages
- Suggestion to invite the Director of Communications; the police do not have a liaison with the 911 emergency dispatch
- If you see someone breaking into a car be mindful that they are already armed with a gun - do not approach call Police
- Anything within the right of way/public space; on the road or off the road
- Divisions of projects
- Traffic calming
- Looking at online tracker – only 2 applications in the area
- Garfield and Nassau – spent several months evaluating; second round will be released around March new apps: March 1st – 14th
- Action item: meeting before/near this time to determine as a community which streets might need attention
- Cost is $30k – $80k per street / 4 completed per year $4M
- Program to help reduce speeds and improve safety on neighborhood streets
- Most often speed cushions (EMS does not like concrete speed bumps) and signage; turn hardening
- This would not include Rosa Parks Blvd
- Ideally 6 month process from them time balloting is approved (to those who live on that street); 95% approval rate – no Airbnb
- Sidewalks
- What can they put in that saves everyone money – expanding by shelter
- Bike paths
- Rosa Park collection of bikeways – branching across Rosa Parks all the way across the river (pending downtown projects)
- Also future state going into the Metro Center area
- Traffic calming
- One-way streets are being consider as part of the Connect downtown initiative
- Hume Street example:
- EMS said they have issues on certain streets
- Can reduce parking on one side of the street without having to go to Traffic & Parking
- Less than 30 ft across curb to curb; less than 25 ft no parking
- Suggestion to reduce parking on Hume St.; Salemtown and Germantown will need to work together because that is the divider street for the location
- Hume Street example:
- HUB today is better than it was 3 months ago; now connected to the main system
- Submit street lights that are out, potholes, some things have been fixed same day
- Community member: no streets have center line markings any longer – can those be replace?
- Usually only happens when they come through and are paving do it at the same time; if we do put them back you may not have enough space for two full lanes
- Press conference at Thursday at 9:30 am – referendum on transit measure in the city
- Rescue Mission – security concerns; Salemtown President has a meeting scheduled with VP of Ministries
- District wide Derek Lisle is newly appointed Beautification Director; means funds for our district
- Clean-ups: Teaming up with Germantown every month and head over to 312 pizza afterwards – see the website for exact dates
- Revisiting butterfly campaign from years prior; she can also show you what to do at your own home to create a butterfly sanctuary
- Will put out a voting pole to evaluate which streets need addressed the most
- Allowed for duplexes in multiple zoning categories as well as Tri and Quad in certain areas
- Likely deferred into late March early April and the fall
- Less likely to impact Salemntown, more Neely Falls – with more acreage as compared
- Aim for 60 trees per neighborhood
- Entry season now for next season; delivery and planting happens in fall or winter
- Derek & Raj are assisting
- Morgan Park – a link has been set up on our website to be able to access their schedule
- Pickle ball
- Family skate night
- Homeschool PE as well as tot time
- Racket ball tournament you can sign up for
- Instagram and Facebook
- Adult dodgeball fo
- A suggested donation for SNNA membership $30.00, based on a calendar year; not a great tracking mechanism: https://www.salemtownneighbors.org/join-today.html OR
- Dues
- Once you have submitted your form, please pay your dues of $30 per household using the Venmo QR code located at the bottom of this page (please make the memo your email address, name and physical address). You can also submit your dues in person at any SNNA membership meeting or event. We collect renewals each calendar year. Please note: the by-laws allow for dues to be waived for non-profit and hardship.
- Contact our treasurer at [email protected] for more information or for alternative payment methods.
- Only 8 people have paid so far this year