Section 1
NAME: The name of this organization shall be Salemtown Neighbors Neighborhood Association (SNNA).
Section 2
PURPOSE: The purpose of our association is to be representative of our neighborhood and improve the quality of living in our community.
Section 3
NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARIES: the neighborhood boundaries shall be as follows:
Section 1
Eligibility: Membership shall be open to all residents, property owners, business owners, and congregations within the stipulated boundaries of Salemtown who meet the following qualifications:
Section 2
DUES: Membership requires, with exceptions as stipulated in section 3, that dues be paid each calendar year. Payment of dues is required in order to be a ballot-voting member. Renewal dues are payable by March 1. New member dues are payable at time of joining. The Executive Board will set the amount or amounts of annual membership dues from time to time based on recommendations from the membership committee and upon ratification of the assembly.
Membership shall cease upon failure to pay dues as stipulated in this section of the bylaws. If paid by check, membership dues shall be paid to "Salemtown Neighbors." All dues are paid to the treasurer.
Section 3
EXCEPTIONS: Congregations constitute a single voting member and are not subject to dues. Residents 65 years of age or older who are eligible for membership are not subject to dues. Dues may be waived upon demonstration of hardship.
Section 4
ENTITLEMENTS: Members shall be entitled to be a part of Salemtown Neighbors’ contact and mailing lists.
Section 5
VOTING: All members are entitled to vote on any motion with the exception of those motions and elections that require vote by ballot. Only those members who have attended at least three meetings within the previous 12 months may vote by ballot.
Section 6
DISCIPLINE: Penalties on members for misbehavior can only be imposed by a majority vote of the members present with expulsion requiring a 2/3-majority vote.
Possible penalties for disorderly conduct include:
Section 1
EXECUTIVE OFFICER DESCRIPTIONS: Roles and responsibilities for the officers shall be defined as follows:
President: The president shall be the principal officer of the Association and shall in general supervise and control the business and affairs of the ' Association. The president shall preside over association meetings.
Vice President: The vice president shall preside over any meetings of the Association in the absence of the president. The vice president shall succeed the president if the president is unable to finish out his/her term in office and upon ratification by a simple majority of the assembly. The vice president will assist the president in conducting the affairs of the Association and in the programming of the meetings. The vice president will also have responsibility for general association correspondence. In the absence of the treasurer, the vice president will keep a record of member attendance at the meeting and forward it to the secretary. If the Vice President is unable to finish his/her term of office, the President shall appoint a member to finish the term.
Secretary: The secretary shall keep the minutes of the Association meetings in books provided for that purpose. The secretary shall also keep a roster of the membership to be updated as needed. The secretary shall be the custodian of the Association's records and perform those duties accrued by that office and other duties as designated. The secretary is responsible for transmission of motions passed by the assembly to relevant committee chairs. If the Secretary is unable to finish his/her term of office, the President shall appoint a member to finish the term.
Treasurer: The treasurer shall have charge and custody and be responsible for Association funds, receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the Association from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such moneys in the name of the Association. The treasurer shall perform all duties accrued by that office and other duties as designated. The treasurer shall take record of attending members at association meetings and forward them to the secretary. If the Treasurer is unable to finish his/her term of office; the President shall appoint a member to finish the term.
Section 2
TERMS OF OFFICE: The election for officers shall take place by secret ballot during the November Association meeting. Newly elected officers shall assume office on January 1 and will expire on December 31 of the following year. Officers may be elected for successive terms.
Section 3
REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: An officer can be removed at any time, but removal of an officer shall require a 2/3 vote of the membership.
Section 4
ELECTIONS AND NOMINATIONS: Nominations for officers shall be taken from the floor during the October Association meeting. The President will give the membership advanced notice of the nomination meeting.
During the November assembly, the election for officers will be conducted by paper ballot. In the event that an eligible member who wishes to vote is unable to attend the November assembly, that member must notify an officer of the impending absence beforehand and present their chosen proxy with their ballot. This proxy ballot must be placed in a sealed envelope with the signature of the voting member placed over the seal and must be cast on their behalf during the November association meeting.
An election committee, selected by the secretary beforehand, is responsible for distributing, collecting, counting, and certifying the ballots and reporting the results to the secretary
In order to win the election, candidates must receive the majority of the• votes cast. If no candidate receives a simple majority, there will be a run-off election of the top two candidates.
If there are single candidates for any office, the chair, if there is not objection, has the option of electing officers by general consent.
Section 1
MEETINGS: The Association shall meet monthly at a time and place determined by the members. Meeting changes or cancellations may be made at the recommendation of the officers and with the consent of the membership. Notice of any meeting changes shall be provided to the members as quickly as practicable. Special meetings may be called as needed with the sanction of the Executive Committee.
Section 2
QUORUM: A body of not less than eight members will constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present, business may still be conducted by a majority of the Executive Board.
Section 1
AUTHORITY: The activities, affairs, business, and property of SNNA shall be
Controlled, governed, managed, and supervised by the Executive Board. The Executive
Board shall determine the policies of SNNA and shall actively pursue the purposes and goals of SNNA. The Executive Board may hold regular or special meetings. Any expenditure by members on behalf of SNNA must be pre-approved by the Executive Board. The Board is responsible for communicating all decisions that affect activities, affairs, business, and property to the membership in advance of finalizing those decisions.
The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month before each Association meeting at which time the agenda for the upcoming meeting is to be set. Special meetings of the board may be called by at least two members of the board. Special meetings must be preceded by at least 24 hours advance notice.
Section 2
COMPOSITION: The Executive Board shall be comprised of the officers, standing committee chairs, and one additional elected association member who will be elected in November at same time as the officers.
The exact number of board members may be fixed, changed, or determined from time to time by the membership.
Section 3
VACANCIES: In the event that any non-officer board position is vacated, the President shall appoint a member to fill that vacancy with the ratification of the membership.
Section 4
BUDGET: The Executive Board shall prepare a budget for the coming calendar year no later than the November association meeting. The vote to ratify or reject the new budget must occur by the January association meeting.
ARTICLE VI -Committees
Section 1
AUTHORITY: Standing committees (and ad hoc committees) have the authority to study and make recommendations that fit their purpose to the Executive Board and to the Assembly.
Section 2
STANDING Committees: There shall be three (3) standing committees which chairs shall be appointed by the president no later than the January association meeting. These committees shall be the Membership Committee, the Social Events Committee, and the Communications Committee.
Social Events Committee: Responsibilities for the Social Events Committee shall include but not be limited to: association social events, relevant community social events, and benevolence.
Membership Committee: Responsibilities for the Membership Committee shall include but not be limited to: welcoming new neighbors and membership promotion.
Communications Committee: Responsibilities for the Communications Committee shall include but not be limited to: informing members of meetings, special events, and deadlines, and using media to promote the association.
Section 4
QUORUM: A quorum shall consist of three members or a majority of committee members in attendance.
Except as provided in the By-laws, the conduct of all meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.
Proposed amendments to the bylaws should be presented to the assembly one meeting in advance of the vote to amend. Approval requires two thirds.
Section 1
NAME: The name of this organization shall be Salemtown Neighbors Neighborhood Association (SNNA).
Section 2
PURPOSE: The purpose of our association is to be representative of our neighborhood and improve the quality of living in our community.
- To acknowledge the development of the diverse interests within the neighborhood which stimulate and define the neighborhood's character;
- To provide a means by which the members of this neighborhood may exercise greater control over the economic, political, and social forces that influence their lives and communal environments;
- To encourage the preservation and maintenance of historic sites;
- To encourage and promote the enforcement and maintenance of local ordinances which serve to protect and promote the neighborhood;
- To encourage delivery of Metro services;
- To foster a strong sense of community spirit, civic pride, and unity to improve the neighborhood's quality of life.
- To act as a channel of information concerning events relevant. to the neighborhood.
Section 3
NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARIES: the neighborhood boundaries shall be as follows:
- 8th Avenue North on the west
- 3rd Avenue North on the east
- Hume Street on the south
- Dominican Drive on the north
Section 1
Eligibility: Membership shall be open to all residents, property owners, business owners, and congregations within the stipulated boundaries of Salemtown who meet the following qualifications:
- Twenty-one (21) years of age or eighteen (18) years of age and living independently;
- Able to pay membership dues as stipulated in Section 2
Section 2
DUES: Membership requires, with exceptions as stipulated in section 3, that dues be paid each calendar year. Payment of dues is required in order to be a ballot-voting member. Renewal dues are payable by March 1. New member dues are payable at time of joining. The Executive Board will set the amount or amounts of annual membership dues from time to time based on recommendations from the membership committee and upon ratification of the assembly.
Membership shall cease upon failure to pay dues as stipulated in this section of the bylaws. If paid by check, membership dues shall be paid to "Salemtown Neighbors." All dues are paid to the treasurer.
Section 3
EXCEPTIONS: Congregations constitute a single voting member and are not subject to dues. Residents 65 years of age or older who are eligible for membership are not subject to dues. Dues may be waived upon demonstration of hardship.
Section 4
ENTITLEMENTS: Members shall be entitled to be a part of Salemtown Neighbors’ contact and mailing lists.
Section 5
VOTING: All members are entitled to vote on any motion with the exception of those motions and elections that require vote by ballot. Only those members who have attended at least three meetings within the previous 12 months may vote by ballot.
Section 6
DISCIPLINE: Penalties on members for misbehavior can only be imposed by a majority vote of the members present with expulsion requiring a 2/3-majority vote.
Possible penalties for disorderly conduct include:
- A motion that the member must apologize
- A motion that the member must leave the hall during the remainder of the meeting
- A motion to censure the member
- A motion to suspend the member’s rights for a designated period of time
- A motion to expel the member from the organization
Section 1
EXECUTIVE OFFICER DESCRIPTIONS: Roles and responsibilities for the officers shall be defined as follows:
President: The president shall be the principal officer of the Association and shall in general supervise and control the business and affairs of the ' Association. The president shall preside over association meetings.
Vice President: The vice president shall preside over any meetings of the Association in the absence of the president. The vice president shall succeed the president if the president is unable to finish out his/her term in office and upon ratification by a simple majority of the assembly. The vice president will assist the president in conducting the affairs of the Association and in the programming of the meetings. The vice president will also have responsibility for general association correspondence. In the absence of the treasurer, the vice president will keep a record of member attendance at the meeting and forward it to the secretary. If the Vice President is unable to finish his/her term of office, the President shall appoint a member to finish the term.
Secretary: The secretary shall keep the minutes of the Association meetings in books provided for that purpose. The secretary shall also keep a roster of the membership to be updated as needed. The secretary shall be the custodian of the Association's records and perform those duties accrued by that office and other duties as designated. The secretary is responsible for transmission of motions passed by the assembly to relevant committee chairs. If the Secretary is unable to finish his/her term of office, the President shall appoint a member to finish the term.
Treasurer: The treasurer shall have charge and custody and be responsible for Association funds, receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the Association from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such moneys in the name of the Association. The treasurer shall perform all duties accrued by that office and other duties as designated. The treasurer shall take record of attending members at association meetings and forward them to the secretary. If the Treasurer is unable to finish his/her term of office; the President shall appoint a member to finish the term.
Section 2
TERMS OF OFFICE: The election for officers shall take place by secret ballot during the November Association meeting. Newly elected officers shall assume office on January 1 and will expire on December 31 of the following year. Officers may be elected for successive terms.
Section 3
REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: An officer can be removed at any time, but removal of an officer shall require a 2/3 vote of the membership.
Section 4
ELECTIONS AND NOMINATIONS: Nominations for officers shall be taken from the floor during the October Association meeting. The President will give the membership advanced notice of the nomination meeting.
During the November assembly, the election for officers will be conducted by paper ballot. In the event that an eligible member who wishes to vote is unable to attend the November assembly, that member must notify an officer of the impending absence beforehand and present their chosen proxy with their ballot. This proxy ballot must be placed in a sealed envelope with the signature of the voting member placed over the seal and must be cast on their behalf during the November association meeting.
An election committee, selected by the secretary beforehand, is responsible for distributing, collecting, counting, and certifying the ballots and reporting the results to the secretary
In order to win the election, candidates must receive the majority of the• votes cast. If no candidate receives a simple majority, there will be a run-off election of the top two candidates.
If there are single candidates for any office, the chair, if there is not objection, has the option of electing officers by general consent.
Section 1
MEETINGS: The Association shall meet monthly at a time and place determined by the members. Meeting changes or cancellations may be made at the recommendation of the officers and with the consent of the membership. Notice of any meeting changes shall be provided to the members as quickly as practicable. Special meetings may be called as needed with the sanction of the Executive Committee.
Section 2
QUORUM: A body of not less than eight members will constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present, business may still be conducted by a majority of the Executive Board.
Section 1
AUTHORITY: The activities, affairs, business, and property of SNNA shall be
Controlled, governed, managed, and supervised by the Executive Board. The Executive
Board shall determine the policies of SNNA and shall actively pursue the purposes and goals of SNNA. The Executive Board may hold regular or special meetings. Any expenditure by members on behalf of SNNA must be pre-approved by the Executive Board. The Board is responsible for communicating all decisions that affect activities, affairs, business, and property to the membership in advance of finalizing those decisions.
The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month before each Association meeting at which time the agenda for the upcoming meeting is to be set. Special meetings of the board may be called by at least two members of the board. Special meetings must be preceded by at least 24 hours advance notice.
Section 2
COMPOSITION: The Executive Board shall be comprised of the officers, standing committee chairs, and one additional elected association member who will be elected in November at same time as the officers.
The exact number of board members may be fixed, changed, or determined from time to time by the membership.
Section 3
VACANCIES: In the event that any non-officer board position is vacated, the President shall appoint a member to fill that vacancy with the ratification of the membership.
Section 4
BUDGET: The Executive Board shall prepare a budget for the coming calendar year no later than the November association meeting. The vote to ratify or reject the new budget must occur by the January association meeting.
ARTICLE VI -Committees
Section 1
AUTHORITY: Standing committees (and ad hoc committees) have the authority to study and make recommendations that fit their purpose to the Executive Board and to the Assembly.
Section 2
STANDING Committees: There shall be three (3) standing committees which chairs shall be appointed by the president no later than the January association meeting. These committees shall be the Membership Committee, the Social Events Committee, and the Communications Committee.
Social Events Committee: Responsibilities for the Social Events Committee shall include but not be limited to: association social events, relevant community social events, and benevolence.
Membership Committee: Responsibilities for the Membership Committee shall include but not be limited to: welcoming new neighbors and membership promotion.
Communications Committee: Responsibilities for the Communications Committee shall include but not be limited to: informing members of meetings, special events, and deadlines, and using media to promote the association.
Section 4
QUORUM: A quorum shall consist of three members or a majority of committee members in attendance.
Except as provided in the By-laws, the conduct of all meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.
Proposed amendments to the bylaws should be presented to the assembly one meeting in advance of the vote to amend. Approval requires two thirds.